商品上傳數據包含有關您目錄中的商品的描述性信息。亞馬遜可以利用這些信息為每一件商品創(chuàng)建一個記錄,并為每一件商品分配一個唯一編號,即亞馬遜商品編碼 (ASIN)。
商品上傳數據包含有關您目錄中的商品的描述性信息。亞馬遜可以利用這些信息為每一件商品創(chuàng)建一個記錄,并為每一件商品分配一個唯一編號,即亞馬遜商品編碼 (ASIN)。
該上傳數據是將您的商品提交到亞馬遜的第一步。它建立了 SKU 和 ASIN 之間的映射。所有后續(xù)目錄上傳數據都要依賴該上傳數據的成功輸入。
注意: 對于店鋪,賣家必須使用項目上傳數據架構。
要了解更多信息和下載文件,請參閱 XSD。
元素 | 描述 |
SKU | 每件商品的唯一編號。每件商品必須有一個 SKU,并且您的每個 SKU 必須是唯一的。 |
標準商品編號 | 商品的唯一編碼,包括類型(ISBN、UPC 或 EAN)以及符合指定類型的適當形式的值。如果基礎 XSD 中提供了“標準商品編號”類型,則該字段屬于必填字段。 |
標識商品稅務屬性的亞馬遜標準代碼。稅務代碼首先在商品上傳數據中被識別,然后在商品被訂購時傳輸給訂單報告。 | |
啟動日期 | 控制商品在亞馬遜的搜索結果和瀏覽頁面中出現的時間。 |
發(fā)布日期 | 商品要發(fā)布出售的日期。 |
狀況 | 商品的狀況。有關狀況類型信息,請查看基礎 XSD 文件。 |
返點 | 由基礎 XSD 中的退款類型定義。 |
商品包裝數量 | 一個包裹中包含的同一商品的數量。對于裝有 10 包短襪的裝運箱,商品包裝數量應為 10。 |
商品數量 | 在您要出售的商品中單件商品的數量,這樣便于每件商品不打包按單件銷售。對于裝有 10 包短襪,每包含 3 雙短襪的裝運箱,商品數量應為 30。 |
DescriptionData | 包含在 Amazon.com 上用來創(chuàng)建商品詳情頁面的信息。描述字段包括以下內容:
商品數據 | 包含分類特定信息(例如變體)的部分。只能為每件商品分配一個分類。參考下列一個或更多 XSD 來選擇商品數據字段:
Create Products - Product Feed Schema
The product feed contains descriptive information about the products in your catalog. This information allows Amazon to build a record and assign to each product a unique identifier known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number).
The feed is the first step in submitting your products to Amazon. It establishes the mapping between your SKU and our ASIN. All subsequent catalog feeds depend upon the success of this feed.
Note: For the Industrial & Scientific store, sellers must use the item feed schema.
For more information and to download files, see XSDs.
Element Description SKU Unique identifier for an individual product. Each product must have a SKU, and each of your SKUs must be unique. StandardProductID A unique identifier for a product, consisting of a type (ISBN, UPC, or EAN) and a value that conforms to the appropriate format for the type specified. This is a required field if type is provided for StandardProductID in the Base XSD. ProductTaxCode Amazon's standard code to identify the tax properties for a product. The tax code is first identified in the product feed and passed to the Orders Report once the item is ordered. LaunchDate Controls when the product appears in search and browse on Amazon. ReleaseDate The date a product is released for sale. Condition The condition of the item. Condition types can be found in the Base XSD. Rebate Defined by RebateType in the Base XSD. ItemPackageQuantity Number of the same product contained in one package. For a case of 10 packages of socks, ItemPackageQuantity would be 10. NumberOfItems Number of discrete items included in the product you are offering for sale, such that each item is not packaged for individual sale. For a case of 10 packages of socks, where each package contains 3 pairs of socks, NumberOfItems would be 30. DescriptionData Contains information used to create the product detail page on Amazon.com. Descriptive fields include the following:
Title: Short description of the product.
Brand: Brand of the product.
Designer: Designer of the product.
Description: Long description of the product.
BulletPoint: Brief descriptions of the product's features.
ItemDimensions: Calculated dimensions of the product.
PackageDimensions: Calculated dimensions of the package.
PackageWeight: Weight of the package.
ShippingWeight: Weight of the product when packaged to ship.
MerchantCatalogNumber: Seller's catalog number for the product, if different from the SKU.
MSRP: Manufacturer's suggested retail price for the product.
MaxOrderQuantity: Maximum quantity of the product that a customer can order.
SerialNumberRequired: Indicates whether the product must have a serial number.
Prop65: Indicates product is subject to Proposition 65 regulations in California.
LegalDisclaimer: Any legal disclaimer needed with the product.
Manufacturer: Maker of the product.
MfrPartNumber: Part number provided by the original manufacturer.
SearchTerms: Keywords used in product search.
PlatinumKeywords: Values used to map products to nodes in a custom browse node structure.
Memorabilia: Indicates product is a memorabilia item.
Autographed: Indicates product is an autographed item.
UsedFor: Indicates what the product is used for. Affects the product's placement in the browse node structure.
ItemType: Pre-defined value used to specifiy where the product should appear within the browse node structure.
OtherItemAttributes: Classifies the product within other attributes in the browse node structure.
TargetAudience: Classifies the product within the audience browse node structure.
SubjectContent: Relates the product to a specific idea or concept for merchandising.
IsGiftWrapAvailable: Indicates whether gift wrapping is available for the product.
IsGiftMessageAvailable: Indicates whether gift messaging is available for the product.
IsDiscontinuedByManufacturer: Indicates that the manufacturer has stopped making the item.
MaxAggregateShipQuantity: The maximum number of the same item that can be shipped in the same package.
ProductData Section containing category-specific information such as variations. Each item can be assigned to only one category. Reference one or more of the following XSDs to complete the ProductData field:
Wireless (Use for Cell Phones & Accessories)